Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Indian Design pattern "BEL"

Hiiii friends..!!
You may have often wondered how Indians make those beautiful rangoli patterns..
They indeed are beautiful but often very complex..!!
So this time i have come with a new pattern which is called "BEL" pattern..
Its basically used to denote a design in a continous line..
You can use this "bel" pattern to decorate almost everyhing...from making rangoli to doing embroidery on your favourite top for that exclusive Indian look, you can even use it on handmade cards and on the edges of your letter pads, and even decorate your vases and flower pots with these...

Now we start with a very basic design..!!
these two designs are very basic and extremely easy to draw..

Now the next pattern of designs are a little complex but not difficult..they contain the basic of essence of ethnic Indian culture.
Here they are-
You can also use bright colours to make them even more beautiful..!!

Sunday, May 3, 2009

Hiiiii friends...!!!

Once again i am back..

This time i have tried to draw a geometrical pattern for rangoli..

The colour theme is pink and its shades..

The pattern picture is below..

Rangoli design

Hey friends....

Today i have brought a beautiful rangoli desingn for you..

check out for yourself...!!!!

Saturday, May 2, 2009

Ethnic Indian Wallhanging

hey friends,

i am back again...

what i have in store for you today is a special indian style traditional wallhanging...
given below is how to make it...so get set and go..
Things you'll require..
1. a spare square cardboard (any size)
2. equal length strips of differently printed cloths
3. Indian Kiran( golden lace)
4. fevicol
5. a pair of scissors
1. cut strips from different cloths, the strips should be equal in length and equal in width.( i have used strips from 11 different pieces of fabric.)prefer fabrics which have an Indian design or pattern. Special tip: go for colours like red, orange,green and yelllow with prints in golden or silver.
2. arrange these strips unto the cardboard so that they make a beautiful pattern.
3. paste the strips unto the cardboard.
4. paste both sides of the cardboard or cover the other side with a single piece of black cloth.
5. use Indian Kiran(golden lace) and stick it to the edges of the cardboard(like i have done).
6. make a hole with a punching machine and tie a thread in between the holes.(the thread shuld be such that iit is able to carry the weight of your wallhanging.)
Use it to decorate your bedroom or your entrance...or use it anyway you like..!!
All the best and go ahead...!!

Friday, May 1, 2009

Indian handicrafts

Hey freinds,
Have you ever wondered what it takes to make those beautiful indian handicrafts which people flaunt at their homes, schools, offices and almost everywhere.
Well those days are not far behind when you will havee your own customized Indian handicrafts at your place, at your service.
With Indian craft Ideas you learn to make beutiful traditional indian handicrafts, and guess what its very simple too.
so just go on and check out all the fun ideas i hav in store for you people ....
I will soon be updating my blog with these cool ideas.